Toolshed: ink

Import Ink Module


Import Ink C Module


The C module must be compiled before you import it. See the naked build documentation for more information.


The Ink module contains two classes for text templating. The Ink templating syntax is very flexible, allowing you to assign the replacement tag delimiters that you would like to use. The default opening delimiter is {{ and the default closing delimiter is }}.

This allows you to perform replacements in a string such as:

template_string = "{{name}} is {{attribute}}"

with values from a Python dictionary where the dictionary keys are mapped to the tag name inside the opening and closing delimiters:

replacement_dict = {'name': 'Naked', 'attribute': 'neat'}

Dictionary values are replaced at every position where a matching replacement tag is identified in the string.

The Template class is used to create instances of Ink template strings and the Renderer class is used to execute the text replacements in a Template instance.


class [, open_delimiter="{{"] [, close_delimiter="}}"] [, escape_regex=False])

The Template class is an extension of the Python string type and you can use any string method on a Template instance. An instance of the Template class is constructed with a string that contains the template text. You have the option to indicate different opening open_delimiter and closing close_delimiter delimiters as arguments to the constructor if your template uses different characters. If you use special regular expression characters as delimiters, include an escape_regex=True argument.


The need to escape special regular expression characters slows the construction of each instance of a Template. This will not significantly influence the running time of your application if you are creating a relatively small number of Template instances. Perform testing to confirm that this does not become significant if you are generating a large number of Template instances with special regular expression character delimiters. This does not apply to the default Ink template delimiters.

There are no public methods for the Template class.

class, key[, html_entities=False])

The Renderer class takes a Template argument and a Python dictionary key argument. You have the option to escape HTML entities in the replacement text (i.e. the values contained in the Python dictionary key) by setting html_entities=True on construction of a new Renderer instance.

Dictionary keys are mapped to the replacement tag names (i.e. the string between the replacement delimiters) in the Template and the dictionary values are the strings that are used for text replacements at every matching replacement tag position in the Template.


The render() method executes text replacements in the Template instance that was passed as an argument to the Renderer constructor using the key:value mapping in the dictionary that was passed as an argument to the Renderer constructor (see example below).


Create an Ink Template with Default Delimiters

from import Template

template_string = "I like {{food}} and {{drink}}"
template = Template(template_string)

Create an Ink Template and Specify New Delimiters

from import Template

template_string = "I like [[food]] and [[drink]]"
template = Template(template_string, open_delimiter="[[", close_delimiter="]]", escape_regex=True)

Render an Ink Template

from import Template, Renderer

template_string = "I like {{food}} and {{drink}}"
template = Template(template_string)
template_key = {'food': 'fries', 'drink': 'beer'}
renderer = Renderer(template, template_key)
rendered_text = renderer.render()
print(rendered_text)         # prints "I like fries and beer"